S&D Conference: Digital Data in the EU - Happily Ever After or Content Unavailable. To register, please fill in the form attached below (one form for each day) and email...
Il gruppo S&D ha chiesto per primo la fine dei costi di roaming all'interno dell'Ue, quattro anni fa. Oggi il Parlamento europeo in sessione plenaria ha finalmente...
Audio recording (English version) of the S&D conference ' Employment and Social Security in the Digital Single Market : Chances and Challenges', hold in Brussels on the...
S&D Conference - Employment and Social Security in the Digital Single Market: Chances and Challenges. To register, please follow this link : Registration deadline is...
Develop and Ensure the Future of European Seafarers. Lucy Anderson and Isabelle Thomas, members of the S&D Group in the European Parliament, would like to invite you to...
The European Parliament yesterday called on the Commission to propose legislation to provide clearer labelling of traditional product. The protection of geographical...
The EU Cohesion Policy is the main investment instrument in the EU - a powerful tool for financing jobs and growth, improving the quality of citizens' lives and creating...
"A scenario invariato, entro il 2050 avremmo bisogno del triplo delle risorse che utilizziamo oggi" - Karmenu VELLA, commissario europeo per l'Ambiente, gli affari...
S&D IMCO Workshop on Product safety, traceability and origin - The Made-in marking of origin for enhanced consumer information and European business competitiveness...
In vista del cruciale consiglio Ue sull’agricoltura, in programma il prossimo lunedì, i Socialisti e Democratici al Parlamento europeo hanno affermato che supporteranno...