Stamattina l’Europarlamento discuterà due relazioni cruciali sul futuro delle politiche economiche Ue, che passeranno al voto in tarda giornata. Il Semestre europeo del...
Alla notizia della decisione dei ministri dell’economia e delle finanze dell’Unione europea di aggiornare la blacklist Ue dei paradisi fiscali , l’eurodeputato S&D Pedro...
LuxLeaks, SwissLeaks and the Panama Papers revealed a broken tax system where big corporations and rich individuals are getting away with exploiting legal loopholes...
LuxLeaks, SwissLeaks and the Panama Papers revealed a broken tax system where big corporations and rich individuals are getting away with exploiting legal loopholes...
The Just Transition Fund is the first key element of the European Green Deal. Socialists and Democrats managed to put citizens’ welfare at the core of the transition to a...
I Socialisti e Democratici oggi hanno lanciato un appello agli stati membri affinché intraprendano azioni per garantire una tassazione più giusta in Europa, a seguito...
Tax justice has been the Socialists and Democrats’ cause for many years. Building on our work, we are proud to establish a new permanent tax sub-committee in the European...
The COVID-19 pandemic breakout caused both a health and socio-economic crisis that caught the world and its leaders by surprise. As part of national responses, Member...
I Socialisti e Democratici al Parlamento europeo oggi hanno lanciato una campagna per la giustizia fiscale. L’iniziativa giunge una settimana prima della presentazione...
European Own Resources are vital to help the EU recover in the post Covid-19 lockdown era. As the next European Union budget is being fine-tuned and the recovery plan...