Call to Europe VII: Democracy First! European democracy is permanently challenged. The institutional set up is still based on the logic of transnational representation...
S&D event: European Solidarity Corps - a real opportunity for young people ? Registration deadline: Friday 02 June 2017 at 12h00
S&D event: Fair mobility and equal treatment: revision of the Posting of Workers Directive For any enquiries please contact: Registration...
Strasbourg Open Day of the European institutions 2017. Celebrate Europe Day with the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. For the first time, the Council of...
S&D Seminar: Immigration and the rise of radical right populism. Please register by sending an email to - if you require a badge...
EUROPE TOGETHER Event - Our Choice: A Sustainable Social Europe. What does “A Social Europe” mean to you? Is it safer workplaces? Access to education? Affordable housing...
S&D Group Seminar: The Palestinian Arab Community in Israel - Today and Tomorrow. Please register by Tuesday 2 May 2017 by sending an email to s-d.middleeastpeace...
S&D Conference: Rethinking Yemen: Partnership for a Better Future. S&D vice-presidents Elena Valenciano and Victor Boştinaru: The Council conclusions of 3 April 2017 were...
European Parliament's Open Day - Brussels 6 May 2017. In May each year, the European Institutions celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the European Union...
School of Democracy, 19 to 22 April 2017 - Our 3rd edition! Share your opinions with other young people on issues such as the role of Europe in the world, development...