In merito allo stallo nei negoziati per l’accordo commerciale CETA tra Ue e Canada, il presidente del gruppo S&D al Parlamento europeo, Gianni Pittella, dichiara: "Il...
The S&D Group brings the latest edition of our Relaunching Europe initiative to Bucharest, Romania.
Il presidente del gruppo S&D Gianni Pittella, durante l’evento speciale di Relaunching Europe di venerdi’ 21 ottobre a Bucarest, ha lanciato un forte appello a favore...
Pochi giorni dopo la pubblicazione della Comunicazione della Commissione sulla riforma degli strumenti Ue di difesa commerciale (i TDI), al vertice dei capi di governo...
Press conference with Gianni Pittella on Tuesday at 10.10 in room LOW N-1/201. Watch the action live : Our Priorities ▶ Wednesday 26 October...
Relaunching Europe event in Bucharest on 21 October 2016. On October 21st we’re joining our friends and followers in Bucharest for another inspiring, interesting and...
The European Commission needs to come forward with a proposal on EU wide legislation to protect those who expose wrongdoing or misconduct for the public good and the S&D...
The European Commission needs to come forward with a proposal on EU wide legislation to protect those who expose wrongdoing or misconduct for the public good and the S&D...
The European Commission needs to come forward with a proposal on EU wide legislation to protect those who expose wrongdoing or misconduct for the public good and the S&D...
On 19 October 2016, the progressive family in Europe, on the initiative of the S&D Group, launched an 18-month project designed to find answers to the problems the EU is...