Quote of the week by President Iratxe García on the first Group meeting of the new mandate:
“On 9 June, the citizens had to decide which path Europe would take. We knew what the far right's objectives were in this election. The far right, with the help of the conservatives, aimed to break the consensus of pro-European forces. The people of Europe have decided their destiny with the power of their vote. The far right has failed. It was our Europe that won – a Europe without borders, a social Europe, the Europe of freedom of movement, of democracy."
A message from the S&D President:
We will be a firewall against the far right in the EU! Our message to the future president of the EU Commission is clear: our support is incompatible with opening up to the far right! We owe it to our citizens!
Upcoming activities:
51% of Europeans voted in this year’s EU elections. The highest turnout since 1994 (56%), which gives us – the largest progressive group in the European Parliament – a strong mandate to continue our fight for a Europe of solidarity, equality and fairness!
As our MEPs formally sign on with the S&D Group, we have already started welcoming them. We have also held two Group meetings, and next week we are ready to elect our new leadership. Yesterday, our current leader, Iratxe García, announced that she is running again for the presidency of the S&D Group.
Curious about the timeline? Here it is:
Monday, 24 June: The consideration of candidates for the Group leadership.
Tuesday, 25 June: The constitutive Group meeting (I) and election of the new S&D president.
Wednesday 26 June: The constitutive Group meeting (II) and election of Group vice-presidents. In the afternoon, the newly elected Bureau will convene for the first time.
And on 15 July we’re heading to Strasbourg for the first plenary session of the new mandate. Stay tuned, as we’ll be electing the president of the European Parliament for the next 2,5 years, as well as the vice-presidents and quaestors of the institution.