S&Ds welcome Commission's EU trade strategy – call on action to follow words

The Socialists and Democrats Group today welcomed the publication of the Commission's blueprint for the future of EU trade policy.
David Martin, S&D spokesperson on international trade said:
"With this publication, the Commission is finally listening to Socialists & Democrats and European citizens' demands that international trade works for us all.
"For our Group, trade has never been an end in itself. Our values of sustainable development, transparency and fair trade are integral to economic growth and job creation. The Commission strategy is an important signal to our citizens and to partner countries around the world that EU trade policy is becoming more responsible.
"We warmly welcome these words, but words alone don't make labour rights binding. They don't give our citizens more access to documents, and they don't pay a fair price for developing countries' exports. S&D MEPs look forward to working closely with the Commission to translate this positive vision of EU trade policy into our legislation and trade agreements."
Bernd Lange, S&D MEP and chair of the international trade committee added:
"The European Commission draws many correct conclusions. European trade policy must be based on our common values and work for the common good, not individual interests. 
"We will make sure that these plans do not turn out to merely be a castle in the air, but indeed become real.
"The EU's trade policy must meet the challenges of our globalised world. Based on pure commercialism it will neither promote sustainable development nor fight the root causes of migration effectively. This strategy must play its part in restoring the people's confidence in our trade policy. Anything less would be a lost opportunity."

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