The Socialists and Democrats Group today welcomed an agreement reached with the European Commission on increased transparency on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiating texts for all MEPs.
The agreement gives all members of the Parliament full access to the consolidated texts of the draft TTIP deal.
S&D MEP and rapporteur for TTIP, Bernd Lange MEP, said:
"Eleven months of negotiations with the Commission have paid off. The result is a big win for the European Parliament.
"The access conditions we have agreed on will increase the transparency of the TTIP process significantly. What we have achieved today will also set a precedent for the transparency of future trade talks."
S&D spokesperson for international trade, David Martin, said:
"Thanks to pressure from the Socialists and Democrats Group, the EU's proposed text is already publicly available.
"This new agreement ensures all MEPs can fulfil their mandate of democratic oversight on TTIP negotiations. We also welcome the access which will be granted to all members of national parliaments as well.
"It is another welcome nail in the coffin of the accusations that TTIP is being secretly negotiated."