Where are the boundaries between private life and work? The message is clear: the European Commission must come up with a legislative proposal without any further delay...
Culture and education give the European project its soul. Without it, the EU would have been a mere economic endeavour. But it is not, and this is its strength. Now, less...
S&D Conference: Shaping the Future of Education, Culture and Media in Europe A detailed programme is available below 14:30 Welcoming remarks 14:35 For a quality education...
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is a UN day that is celebrated every year on 3 December. The day is about promoting the rights and well-being of...
On Thursday, 9 November, the S&D Group met with young people to discuss how they can make their voices heard. There were also exchanges with youth representatives...
Silver Rose Awards 2023 - Ceremony and Reception La Tricoterie, Rue Théodore Verhaegen 158, 1060 Bruxelles, Belgium Wednesday 11th October 2023 from 18.00 to 21.15...
S&D Outreach Event: ¡Adelante! Our social Europe that works for all Sala Equis, Calle Duque de Alba 4, Madrid 27 September 2023 19:00 Doors opening and welcome coffee 19...
Join us with Group president Iratxe García and a list of guest speakers who will be discussing our progressive achievements over the past four years and the future of a...
Trainees deserve to be treated and paid as workers! We are fighting to ensure fair pay, social protection, and decent working conditions for all trainees. It’s time for...