The Great Shift is a unique contribution from a group of renowned experts and experienced policymakers united in the Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality...
"Votes do not grant legitimacy to destroy democracy" Iratxe García tells Morawiecki in the plenary debate. In the presence of Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki...
We warmly welcome you to our webinar on community sponsorship: 'Let’s make the integration of refugees a success'. Many believe integration is hard. It doesn’t have to be...
Defending the rule of law is one of the big challenges facing Europe at the moment, with governments in Hungary and Poland intent on undermining the independence of...
The S&Ds believe that parents mentioned on a birth certificate in one country should be recognised in all member states and that same-sex partnerships and marriages from...
The European Parliament, led by the S&D Group, has reached an agreement with EU governments to set up a fully-fledged European Asylum Agency. For Elena Yoncheva, the S&D...
Together #withrefugees. Together we can achieve anything. Together we heal, learn and shine. GET INVOLVED Conflict and persecution have forced more than 80 million people...
The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament will co-host the first Progressive caucus meeting with the Party of European Socialists in Strasbourg on Friday 18...
As the European Parliament votes in plenary, the S&D Group is calling on member states to ease travel for people holding an EU Digital Covid certificate. The European...
The S&D Group is today launching the #Progressives4Europe initiative to promote progressive views and voices to feed into the Conference on the Future of Europe launching...