S&D Group's news on the European Parliament's Plenary session in Strasbourg - 10 to 13 September 2018
Wed 12 September State of the Union
Udo BULLMANN udo.bullmann@europarl.europa.eu Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75342
S&D press officer: Angelika Pentsi +32 473 93 00 60
European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker started his term with the bold announcement that this would be the ‘Commission of the last chance’. His last State of the Union address will be the opportunity to assess whether this chance was used wisely or not. Also, Juncker will have to outline the priorities for the remaining months of this term until the European elections in May 2019. With the Brexit talks, the negotiation of the next Multiannual Financial Framework, as well as the reform of the Common European Asylum System, we have a number of issues on the table that allow no postponement. At the same time, the European Union is contested by internal and external enemies that are trying to undermine its unity. A strong and united European Union has never been as important as it is today, given the fact that the transatlantic relationship under Trump has been considerably weakened. In this situation, and one year before the next European elections, it is of utmost importance that we get our priorities straight.
Tue 11 September The situation in Hungary
Josef WEIDENHOLZER josef.weidenholzer@europarl.europa.eu Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75473
S&D press officer: Tim Allan + 32 475 63 56 73
Over the last seven years, there has been a consistent and sustained attack on basic principles of liberal democracy in Hungary. This is not based on our findings but those of independent institutions and organisations such as the Council of Europe, UN, OSCE and based on verdicts by national and international courts. There are serious concerns in many fields: the functioning of the constitutional and electoral system, the independence of the judiciary and of other institutions, the rights of judges, corruption and conflicts of interest, freedom of expression, academic freedom, the fundamental rights of migrants and economic and social rights. Consequently, the situation in Hungary indeed warrants the launch of the Article 7(1) TEU procedure. The vote on Wednesday is the chance to show that we as Parliamentarians are on the side of democracy, rule of law and the Hungarian people.
Tue 11 September State of EU-US relations
Victor BOŞTINARU victor.bostinaru@europarl.europa.eu Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75832
S&D press officer: Inga Inga Czerny-Grimm + 32 474 62 28 84
This is a well-balanced report. On the one hand, it highlights the importance of our strong relationship with the US as a cornerstone for the building up of the multilateral political and trade system based on rules and values since World War II. On the other hand, it is clearly pointing out that the decisions and policies of the current US president and administration undermine mutual trust and harms this long-term partnership. We identify a lot of common challenges and threats and emphasize the importance of NATO for both sides of the Atlantic. Finally, the report encourages the exploration of alternative ways to strengthen the EU-US relationship by using all available channels of communication, including the US Congress in order to preserve the democratic, liberal and multilateral order.
Mon 10 September European Solidarity Corps
Silvia COSTA silvia.costa@europarl.europa.eu Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75514
S&D press officer: Victoria Martín De La Torre + 32 473 23 41 73
With this initiative - which integrates the current European Voluntary Service (EVS) -allocating 90% of the available resources to volunteering – we want to send a strong message to young people of up to 30 years of age, in parallel with our battle in Parliament to triple the current funds for Erasmus for 2021/2027. The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) will allow young people - both European and non-European residing in the EU - to fully experience what it means to be part of a transnational community, carrying out voluntary activities from 2 months to 1 year, and also in the context of local projects yet always with a clear European dimension. The ESC will also valorise the experiences of the organizations and associations involved.
Thu 13 September Dual quality of products
Olga SEHNALOVÁ olga.sehnalova@europarl.europa.eu Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75417
S&D press officer: Eva Sali +32 495 56 24 31
Consumers in different countries complain that they do not enjoy access to the same level of quality when buying branded products. Dual quality of products undermines citizens' confidence in the fair functioning of the EU internal market, and therefore requires a solution at EU level. If the product, no matter whether well-known food, drink, cosmetics or detergent, differs although it appears identical to the consumer, it should be considered as unfair commercial practice and enforced by the competent authorities. Consumer preferences should not be used as an excuse for lowering quality or offering different quality grades on different markets. We, Socialists and Democrats, therefore demand to amend the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive in order to ensure that European consumers finally have the feeling that they are treated fairly and on an equal basis everywhere. There cannot be neither second-class products nor consumers in the EU.
Wed 12 September A European Strategy for Plastics
Simona BONAFÈ simona.bonafe@europarl.europa.eu Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75595
S&D press officer: Victoria Martín De La Torre + 32 473 23 41 73
The EU Plastic Strategy is a necessary step forward in the EU's transition towards a circular economy and a crucial tool towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to prevent and reduce marine litter. To this aim, it will be necessary to create appropriate economic instruments at the EU level to support the creation of a market for secondary plastic raw materials that can make recycling economically profitable.