S&D Group's news on the European Parliament's Plenary session in Strasbourg - 22 to 25 October 2018

S&D Group's news on the European Parliament's Plenary session in Strasbourg - 22 to 25 October 2018

Tue 23             Facebook users’ data by Cambridge Analytica

Udo BULLMANN    udo.bullmann@europarl.europa.eu             Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75342        

“The abuse of algorithms, fake accounts and fake news for the manipulation of elections poses a serious threat to democracy. Our resolution is an important step to fight this worrying development. In March this year, the Guardian and New York times broke the story that up to 87 million Facebook users’ data was harvested by Cambridge Analytica to be used for political purposes. The S&D Group was the first one to call for an investigation by the European Parliament into this scandal. We need to protect the integrity of elections from online interferences; otherwise, our democracy is at stake and with it our liberal way of life. We need to get to the core of the problem, namely the algorithms that are able to read our citizens like open books and can thus be abused to manipulate them by spreading hatred and lies. The S&D Group demands immediate action from the companies that have built their business model based on such algorithms, like Facebook.”

S&D press officer: Angelika Pentsi +32 473 93 00 60    


Mon 22            2019 EU Budget

Daniele VIOTTI           daniele.viotti@europarl.europa.eu         Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75652

"With this last budget and with the European elections on the way, EU citizens deserve a sign demonstrating the Union is able to fight for the future of the youth, for the sustainable development, for a humane management of the migration flows and against the climate change. To this end, we S&Ds have put forward proposals to increase the funds for the Youth Employment Initiative by over €360 million and by the 20% the allocations for Erasmus+, as well as increase funding to tackle climate change. Thanks to the European Parliament, the 2019 Budget proposal can live up to the expectations of the EU Citizens. It is now up to the member states to demonstrate that they are willing to arm EU’s hand with appropriate financial tools to properly address the EU's current and the future challenges."

S&D press contact: Jan Bernas +32 471 64 87 77


Tue 23              Commission Work Programme 2019             

Maria João RODRIGUES         mariajoao.rodrigues@europarl.europa.eu           Tel:  +33(0)3 88 1 75863

“The EU must regain the trust of citizens with strong action against climatic change and poverty, the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, a final solution for the Eurozone crisis, a strong budget for social cohesion. This is what the 2018 Commission Work Programme should be about. In the run-up for the European elections, delivery and implementation of the decisions made is urgent.”

S&D press officer: Eva Sali       +32 495 56 24 31


Mon 22            Reduction of plastics   

Massimo PAOLUCCI               massimo.paolucci@europarl.europa.eu Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75311

“With the amount of plastic waste in the marine and oceanic environment dramatically increasing, we cannot afford standing still. We must move beyond the “throwaway” and the "culture of waste". The vote in the environment committee was a major step forward in this regard to save the oceans and to spread an aware way of life. We ensured that by 2025 the 90% of the plastic bottles must not only be collected, but also recycled. We also made sure that the polluter-pays principle was reaffirmed and strengthened. As of now, producers will have to cover the clean-up costs for single-use plastic items. Limiting the use of plastic is vital for the protection of the environment and for the improvement of citizens' lives.”

S&D press officer: Victoria Martín De La Torre     + 32 473 23 41 73


Mon 22            Quality of consumption water

Rory PALMER             rory.palmer@europarl.europa.eu            Tel: +33(0)3 88 1 75459

"When citizens turn on their taps they must have confidence that the water in their glass is clean and safe to drink. This report is a key milestone in ensuring the quality and safety of drinking water across the European Union. Protecting public health will always be a priority for the S&D Group and we have strengthened the report to do this, specifically on the regulation of endocrine disrupting compounds. Water providers must also maintain the highest standards of environmental protection and take urgent action to reduce leakage rates and waste, while ensuring consumers get a fairer deal. We S&Ds will continue to press for meaningful and concrete action to ensure vulnerable and marginalised groups can secure access to clean, safe drinking water."

S&D press officer: Victoria Martín De La Torre     + 32 473 23 41 73


Thu 25             Infrastructure for alternative fuels

Ismail ERTUG              ismail.ertug@europarl.europa.eu           Tel : +33(0)3 88 1 75547

“For a sustainable mobility and industry we need ambitious CO2-targets for vehicles, a European battery-cell production and a comprehensive network for alternative fuels. Especially the latter element is often brought up by conservative groups to be an obstacle for low-emission mobility. I thus urge them to not weaken the results we reached in the transport committee. We Socialists and Democrats urge the Commission to accelerate the revision of the Directive, to come up with strong infrastructure targets and, most importantly, with more funding for alternative fuels infrastructure. We already lost precious time due to the omission of the Commission and the inaction of member states - nevertheless it is not too late yet.”

S&D press officer: Victoria Martín De La Torre     + 32 473 23 41 73


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