Hungary's Media Laws: Freedom of expression under threat?

This event will be webstreamed, with simultaneous interpretation between English and Hungarian


Hungarian media legislation has been widely criticised for undermining pluralism and placing previously independent media under government pressure or control.

The European Parliament adopted a Resolution in 2011 calling for the restoration of freedom and independence for the media. Other international organisations, as well as professional bodies, have expressed grave concerns
about freedom of expression in Hungary.

But the situation is not improving: in fact, it is worsening.

Measures such as restrictions on political advertising and discriminatory taxes on advertising revenues continue the pattern of government-led action that damages pluralism, ends the political and financial independence of all media, and exerts widespread political control both public service and private media.

Join this public hearing to find out more about what has been happening in Hungary since the Parliament’s 2011 Resolution, and hear expert opinion on what can be done to enhance media freedom in Hungary.

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