S&D Conference: EU Action for Whistleblower Protection

S&D Conference: EU Action for Whistleblower Protection.

To register, please fill in the form here by Tuesday 18 October 2016.

For more information, please email s-d.whistleblowers@ep.europa.eu


Moderator: Tove Ryding

Opening remarks: Evelyn Regner MEP, S&D JURI Coordinator

Whistleblowing: fairness, at which cost?

Raphaël Halet, LuxLeaks whistleblower

How to protect whistleblowers? Towards a European wide whistleblower protection

Virginie Rozière, S&D MEP
Martin Jefflén, President, EUROCADRES Trade Union
Janina Berg,  Consultant on Good Governance, Anti-Corruption & Human Rights, Ascent-EU  
Georgia Georgiadou, Deputy Head of Unit, Fundamental rights policy, European Commission

What can we learn from national experience?

John Devitt, Transparency International, Ireland 
Nicole-Marie Meyer, Transparency International, France
Andrew Parsons, Public Concern at Work, UK 
Josef Redl, Investigative Journalist, Austria TBC

Closing remarks - Pervenche Berès MEP, S&D ECON Coordinator

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