S&D Conference - European Consumer - between new e-commerce models and data pricing.
To register, please email s-d.imco@europarl.europa.eu
14h00 - 14h25
Commissioner Vera JOUROVA, opening speech
Chi ONWURAH MP, House of Commons, Labour shadow minister for digital affairs, opening speech
Evelyne GEBHARDT, S&D IMCO Coordinator, co-rapporteur of "Towards a Digital Single Market", opening remarks
14h25 -16h05
Panel 1 (with companies from the platform economy): How to create a legislative framework that enables fair and competitive platform economy with strong consumer protection?
Chairing: MEP Josef WEIDENHOLZER, S&D Vice-President and spokesperson for the digital union
• Representatives of successful platforms:
o Samuel LAURINKARI, Senior Manager, EU Government Relations, eBay
o Tim LAGERPUSCH, Founder and CEO, Sugartrends
o Christoph KLENNER, Secretary General, ETTSA (representing e.g. Expedia, Tripadvisor)
• David MARTIN RUIZ, Senior Legal Officer, BEUC
Q&A session
16h05 - 16h25: Break, 20 minutes
16h25 - 17h55
Panel 2: Innovation in the platform economy: what opportunities and challenges does technological development create for consumer protection?
Chairing: MEP Marju LAURISTIN, S&D Vice-President
• Theo BERTRAM, Policy Strategy Manager EMEA, Google
• Prof. Dr. Sebastian STILLER, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, author of "Planet of Algorithm: Understand them before they understand you"
• Francesca PICK, expert on trust in peer-to-peer environment and the sharing economy, OuiShare community activist
Q&A session
17h55 - 18h00
Closing remarks by MEP Evelyne GEBHARDT
Room A3G3 - S&D webstreaming - EN/FR/DE/ES/IT