S&Ds: Launching an EU platform for cities against sexist advertisement.
A special S&D Group meeting at the occasion of the International Women's Day 2018
Welcome and introduction
Udo Bullmann, acting president of S&D Group in the EP, and Iratxe García Pérez S&D co-ordinator for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Sexist advertisement, its impact on our society and how to fight it
Marie-Noëlle Bas, Chiennes de Garde (France), Donatella Martini, DonneinQuota (Italy), Marcel Wicker, Pinkstinks (Germany)
Banning sexist advertisement from public spaces: experiences, challenges and best practices, followed by open debate with mayors and elected Representatives of the cities
City representatives from Paris and Segovia, Jennette Arnold (London), Sandra Trawny (Frankfurt), Jean Stretton (Manchester), and Guillermo Martínez Suárez, European Committee of the Regions. Chaired by Edouard Martin, S&D MEP
Award and pledge ceremony - Charta signed by all mayors
Representative of PES Women
Followed by reception and opening of the exhibition
In co-operation with PES Women, the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions and FEPS Foundation for European Progressive Studies
For any further information, please contact
Mr. Tommi Lindfors at s-d.femm@ep.europa.eu
To find out more about the “Guideline for the accession to the EU Platform of Cities against Sexist Advertisement”, and how to become a part of the EU Platform, please read the guidelines attached below
Also attached below is the “Charter of commitment against sexist advertising”
The event will be webstreamed on www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu