Zakończyły się właśnie rozmowy trójstronne z Radą Europejską i Komisją Europejską. Sprawozdawca cień Parlamentu Europejskiego do spraw rewizji ogólnego prawa dotyczącego...
The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament today welcomed the European Commission’s proposal towards a more sustainable Europe. S&D Group leader Udo Bullmann...
Today, negotiators of the European Parliament, the Commission and the EU member states reached an agreement to protect Europeans from the exposure to an additional five...
Check out the statements of our MEPS on the PEST COMMITTEE
Problem niedoboru wody dotyka co najmniej 11% ludności i 17% terytorium Europy. Od 1980 r. Europa doświadcza coraz więcej susz, w szczególności na południu. W obliczu...
The plenary of the European Parliament today backed a new InvestEU Programme - a single structure bringing together a multitude of EU financing programmes. The aim is to...
The final PEST report voted today in plenary by an overwhelming majority calls on the European institutions and member states to make the authorisation system for...
THE IMPERATIVE OF SUSTAINABILITY. Economic, social, environmental. independent Annual Sustainable Economy Survey (formerly iAGS), 7th Report - iASES 2019. The 2019 iASES...
This whale is only one among the other 1.5 million marine animals that die every year because of plastic waste. If we do not act now, by 2050 there will be more plastic...
Parlament Europejski i Rada UE doszły wreszcie wczoraj wieczorem do porozumienia w sprawie reformy rynku energii elektrycznej w Unii Europejskiej. Celem negocjatorów S&D...