S&D Jeppe Kofod comments on the presentation of the Commission’s second reflection paper on globalisation and the future of Europe.
Citizens' View on Social Europe | TOGETHER
It's worrying… The fundamentals of our democracy are in danger, around the world but also here in Europe. The rule of law is at the core of our democracies. Fairness...
After the Panama Papers Inquiry Committee with EU Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, S&D Jeppe Kofod reacts to the European Commission proposal to regulate and sanction...
European Commissioner Moscovici on the Fight against Tax Evasion
The Socialists and Democrats have today led a cross-party majority calling on the Commission to adopt binding rules for socially responsible practices in the global...
School of Democracy 2017
Speaking during a plenary debate on the situation of democracy in Hungary, S&D Group president Gianni Pittella said: “Mr Orbán is turning Hungary into an illiberal and...
Our Reaction to the European Commission Proposal on Social Rights | Maria João Rodrigues
Our Reaction to the European Commission Proposal on Social Rights | Iratxe García Pérez