Extracts from the movie "Srebrenica - July 1995" produced under the direction of the Foundation for the Srebrenica - Potocari Memorial and Cemetery.
<p>Plenary debate on the economic situation in Greece with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Speech by S&D President Gianni Pittella.</p> <iframe frameborder="0" width...
Strasbourg, 8th of July. Today, during a crucial vote on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament forced the...
12 June 2015 Budapest - Hungary Speech starts at 2h27m7s
Brussels, 3rd June. Interviews with French economist Thomas Piketty and with S&D leader Gianni Pittella during the Annual Progressive Economy Forum on sustainable growth...
Brussels, 3rd June 2015. Full audio recording (English) of the Progressive Economy Annual Forum with French economist Thomas Piketty.
Bruxelles, 27 mai. Le parlement européen a voté en faveur d'habitudes de consommation plus saines à l'école, estimant que l'Union européenne et ses états membres doivent...
Full audio recording (original) of the S&D conference on Libya, "The Road towards Governance and Stability", which was held in Brussels on 28th May 2015.
Full audio recording of the S&D conference on Libya, "The Road towards Governance and Stability", which was held in Brussels on 28th May 2015.
Relaunching Europe is back on the road! Where to this time? The wonderful city of Budapest, Hungary (on a boat on the Danube river to be precise!). So on June 11, come...