S&D Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights and What's Coming Up

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S&D Group leader Iratxe García Pérez on the Portuguese presidency

 “The Portuguese presidency will be an opportunity to show that we can overcome the socio-economic crisis created by the Covid-19 pandemic with policies based on solidarity, and taking care of the most vulnerable. In order to achieve the ambitious agenda presented by Prime Minister Costa this week, we need the European budget adopted as soon as possible. I hope that the EPP and ECR MEPs can persuade the Hungarian and Polish governments to accept the rule of law mechanism and unblock the funds.”


EU leaders will meet in Brussels on 10-11 December to discuss COVID-19 coordination, climate change, security and external relations. We expect leaders also to work to unblock the negotiations on the long-term EU budget with a mechanism on the rule of law. On 11 December the leaders will meet for the Euro Summit.

S&D Group leader Iratxe García will attend the PES leaders meeting on Thursday 10 December to prepare for the summit.              

As the negotiations between the EU and the UK on the future relationship continue, the European Parliament stands ready to start the scrutiny process that could see a deal ratified in time for the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020.

On Wednesday 9 December, the European Commission will present a European Climate Pact as part of the European Green Deal. The Pact aims to engage citizens and communities to share information about climate actions and grassroots activities. You can read more about how the S&D Group is tackling climate change. On the same day, the Commission will also present its proposal on a sustainable and smart mobility strategy to reshape the EU’s transport policy to tackle the environmental challenges facing Europe.

In the civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee on Monday, Sylvie Guillaume MEP will be presenting a draft report on New avenues to legal labour migration that seeks to ensure labour migraton is a win-win for the EU.

Next week, political agreements are expected between the Council and the European Parliament on the priority issues for the S&D Group including the European Regional Development Fund (8 December) and the Just Transition Fund (9 December).

Throughout the week, S&D MEPs will be preparing for the final plenary session of 2020 set to take place 14-17 December.

Stay updated on all our initiatives and reactions on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

Solidar will present the Silver Rose 2020 winners in an online event on Thursday 10 December at 14h30. This year’s winners include The Creative Communities Group, Daša Šašić Šilović (Chair of Central East Network for Gender Issues), Japhet Moyo (Secretary General of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions) and SeaWatch. S&D Group leader Iratxe García will deliver the keynote speech.

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