Council and Commission statements - Presentation of the programme of activities of the Romanian Presidency
Udo BULLMANN +33 388 1 75342
“The Romanian government takes over the Presidency at a historic time for the EU. In March, a member state will likely leave for the first time, in May we have European elections, and on top of that, we have important files to finalise before the end of this legislative term. We need to see an urgent follow-up on the Article 7 procedures against Hungary and Poland, and we are looking forward to hearing the Romanian government’s plans for finalising the negotiations on the next EU budget. We are happy to work together with the Romanian Presidency for an ambitious social agenda to implement the social pillar, reform the Eurozone and progress on fair taxation for a more socially just Europe. Against the background of the discussion about rule of law in Romania, we once again stress the importance of Romania remaining on a positive European path. We welcomed the commitment taken by the Romanian Prime Minister to follow the Venice Commission’s recommendations and now expect the recommendations to be implemented in full.”
S&D Press Officer Angelika Pentsi + 32 473 93 00 60
Draft report on the Union's authorisation procedure for pesticides
Simona BONAFÈ +33 388 1 75595
“The pesticides committee was set up in March 2018 to identify areas for improvement in relation to the authorisation procedure for pesticides, following concerns over the assessment and consequent re-approval of glyphosate. For us as a group the importance of human health and the environment is paramount. We have made sure that bodies oversee the approval of pesticides will have sufficient financial resources to do their work and ensure that this work is truly independent from lobbyists and conflicts of interest in European Food Safety Authority Scientific panels”
S&D Press Officer Victoria Martin de la Torre +32 473 23 41 73
20th Anniversary of the Euro
Udo BULLMANN +33 388 1 75342
“The Euro is one of the great achievements of European integration. With the introduction of the Euro, Europe entered the consciousness of all of us in a way that was not known before. We must now fight to ensure the success of this project. The Euro system remains vulnerable. The deep economic and sovereign debt crisis demonstrated the fragility of the project. We need to put it on a firmer footing by enhancing our common financial and economic policies. Europe needs a strong impetus for growth for all. A stable monetary union needs powerful instruments to prevent and manage crises. These include a common budget for stabilisation and a real European economic government, including a common tax policy.”
S&D Press Officer Angelika Pentsi + 32 473 93 00 60
Gender Equality and Taxation policies in the EU
Pervenche BERÈS +33 388 1 75777
“Taxation in many member states has an implicit bias against women. This report outlines ways that member states and the Commission can make taxation policies fairer and more gender sensitive. The report calls for audits on tax policies to ensure that they are not discriminatory, for example looking at the negative impact joint taxation has on encouraging women’s employment and economic independence. We urge member states to introduce progressively individual taxation systems, but only on the condition that they ensure that all financial and other benefits linked to parenthood in current joint taxation systems are fully preserved. In addition, the report also condemns the outrageous situation that female hygienic products are still not considered as basic necessities in all member states, and urges all EU countries to eliminate the so-called ‘‘tampon tax’’ by applying a 0% VAT rate to these essential goods.”
S&D Press Officer Silvia Pelz: +32 478 75 07 12
Establishing the InvestEU Programme
Roberto GUALTIERI +33 388 1 75523
“Parliament will vote on the establishment of the InvestEU programme that will boost the creation of jobs and support investment and innovation in the EU by making EU funds more efficient, flexible and simple. It aims to mobilise €650 billion in additional investments for the period 2021-27. We made sure that the InvestEU Fund would support social infrastructure and programmes, along with projects that are technically and economically viable. The Programme should continue to facilitate access to finance for SMEs, the cultural and creative sectors and action against climate change.”
S&D Press Officer Jan Bernas: +32 471 64 87 77