The Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act

The Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act video

The Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act are essential tools to put an end to the digital wild west. Citizens and companies must be at the centre of the digital world.

Today, the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament’s committee on internal market and consumer protection (IMCO), led by S&D MEP Christel Schaldemose, voted in favour of the new legislation that will regulate the services provided to Europeans on digital platforms. The S&D Group is unanimous on the need to update the rules, more than twenty years after the adoption of the current European legislation in the year 2000. According to the Socialists and Democrats, technologies have developed so much and digital services have become such a part of everyone’s daily lives that it is their duty to protect the best interests of European consumers, protect the use of their data and create a level playing field for big, small and medium businesses. 

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