Brexit, the migration humanitarian emergency, the threat of terrorism, armed conflicts at our doorsteps and the long lasting economic crisis have dramatically undermined the foundations of this Europe. We must not be afraid of change.
Europe can succeed. As long as it returns to being, and acting as, Europe. The European Parliament will be the crucial driver for changing this Europe. If we are brave enough to realise that we need to raise the bar.
We need an efficient and inclusive Parliament capable of dealing with the global challenges facing us all. We need a Parliament capable, where necessary, of challenging the Commission and the European Council to promptly deliver and live up to citizens' expectations.
This Parliament needs a president who can increase the democratic energy of this institution. A president who can act as a guarantor of pluralism, equal political dignity and equal participation in the decision making process for all MEPs and all groups.
A president who is 'first among equals', PRIMUS INTER PARES!
As a candidate for the presidency, I am putting forward ten concrete proposals for the European Parliament.