S&D Priorities
▶ Tues 17 Election of the president of the European Parliament
+ 33 3 88 17 51 59
This Parliament needs a president who can increase the democratic energy of this institution. A president who can act as a guarantor of pluralism, equal political dignity and equal participation in the decision making process for all MEPs and all groups.
Gianni Pittella: Ten concrete proposals for an inclusive and efficient European Parliament
1. Make the Conference of Presidents a forum for real, open debate
2. Conclude a more ambitious inter-institutional agreement which guarantees access to important and relevant documents for all MEPs
3. Strengthen the political role of the committees of inquiry by giving them the necessary powers to fulfil their tasks
4. Be an inclusive president of the European Parliament available to all MEPs, regardless of their role and function
5. Meet the target of at least 40% of women in managerial roles in the European Parliament administration by 2019
6. Create a European prize to show appreciation for those who work to promote gender equality
7. Increase the number of traineeships for young people in the European Parliament, with higher quotas for disabled people, and create a European Parliament fit for children and young people, with a more efficient allocation of the current resources
8. Organise high-level international forums with international institutions, NGOs, associations and citizens on the regulation of the financial system, the relaunch of European culture, and on climate change and energy transition
9. Extend and reinforce the role of the European Parliament Information Offices in the 28 member states as a platform for promoting the legislative activities of the MEPs in their own constituencies
10. Launch a communication campaign to make the work of each MEP more visible to citizens by reinforcing relations with local press and with more tools and resources for MEPs to communicate online
▶ Thur 19 A European Pillar of Social Rights
+33 3 88 17 58 63
What living and working conditions will Europeans have in the 21st century, with the 'gig economy' and other non-standard forms of work on the rise? Can our social security systems adapt? Can we ensure everyone has the necessary education and skills? Will we have decent living wages, maternity leaves, sick leaves, pensions and childcare for all? All this is at stake as the EU is updating its "social model".
The European Pillar of Social Rights is the biggest initiative which the Juncker Commission is planning to undertake during its 5-year mandate (a proposal is expected in March).
The Parliament's report, drafted by S&D vice-president Maria João Rodrigues, details what citizens expect and need the EU to do: the Single Market needs rules on decent working conditions in all forms of employment, so that all working people have basic rights regardless of the type of their contract. Decent national wage floors must be ensured in all EU countries. Secondary education should be compulsory and a Skills Guarantee should ensure that everyone has the skills needed in tomorrow's economy. A Child Guarantee should ensure that every child at risk of poverty has free healthcare, childcare, education, adequate nutrition and decent housing. Public budgets must include enough public investment in people, such as in education and childcare. But all this requires more than good intentions and nice words: S&Ds call for real legislation and real financial instruments to make the European Pillar of Social Rights a serious initiative. Will moderate centre-right MEPs support us, or will they vote with far-right nationalists against Europe? We will see in the debate and in the plenary vote on Thursday 19 January.
▶ Thur 19 Emergency Aid for refugees and migrants facing severe weather conditions in European camps
+33 3 88 17 58 46
+33 3 88 17 54 93
The S&D Group has managed to have a debate in this plenary with the European Commission and the Council on the dramatic situation facing thousands of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants suffering extremely difficult conditions due to the cold spell.
These freezing conditions are adding to an already unbearable situation. The snow and the lack of proper facilities, even basic heating systems, are making the lives of those recently arrived in Europe even more insecure. It is vital that national authorities act immediately to address the situation.
EU countries must do more to protect refugees during current cold snap.The situation facing thousands of migrants and refugees is grave. We knew that this cold snap was coming and action should have been taken already to help those most in need. All member states must show much greater solidarity to ensure that no more lives are lost. Relocation of refugees is still taking far too long, as is the sending of much needed experts to the countries that need the most support.