S&D AIDA Webinar - AI’s Technological Diversification to Counter Market Concentration, 13 October 2021

AI’s technological diversification to counter market concentration

Democratisation of AI

We want a democratic AI in Europe which will be humanistic: ‘human-centric’ and ‘human-led’, oriented to serve citizens and society as a whole. The democratic AI in Europe must respect the Charter of Fundamental Rights, ethical principles, legal safeguards, liability and human oversight. The democratic AI in Europe must be based on principles of non-discrimination, protection of privacy and personal data, transparency, trustworthiness, safety, accessibility and accountability. The democratic AI in Europe shall be socially fair and environmentally sustainable and it must contribute to further advancing the European values of freedom, democracy, equality, solidarity and international cooperation.

The continuing and ever-increasing corporate concentration and commercialism of the online economy is unsustainable and untenable. The market dominance and market concentration of a small number of Big Tech companies which are developing AI technologies and investing in AI ventures, is increasingly becoming a matter of concern. Increased diversification would ensure a more transparent and democratic environment in the field of AI. Market concentration, monopoly positions and excessive share in the market result in unfair competition, which inevitably increases social and economic inequalities and undermines the public interest. Large firms are much better placed to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by AI to derive further competitive advantage over their SME counterparts. This could lead to further over concentration in the market of large firms and multinationals ... The diversification of suppliers and consideration of reshoring some aspects of production to Europe, facilitated by AI and other emerging technologies, could help boost European SMEs. At the same time, public investments on AI should focus towards an increased AI diversity in research and innovation.

 Online (hybrid) EP Interactio and live streaming on : https://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/

The full programme is attached below

Beteiligte Abgeordnete
Koordinator, Mitglied