19 years ago we’ve set the basis of a beautiful collaboration with SOLIDAR. At the beginning of each year we celebrate those who make a difference in the world around...
Following the successful votes in Skopje and Athens on the Prespa Agreement, S&D Group leader Udo Bullmann supports the initiative by the 2015 winner of the Nobel Peace...
UDO BULLMANN reacts to the enormous defeat at the UK Parliament.
Aus Anlass der Unterzeichnung eines neuen Vertrags zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland heute in Aachen sagte der Vorsitzende der Sozialdemokratischen Fraktion im...
The European Parliament today backed a report calling for the EU to act to prevent the deterioration of fundamental rights in certain EU member states. S&D Group...
Following a historic defeat in the House of Commons on the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, S&D MEPs have urged the UK Prime Minister to break the deadlock by...
Reacting to the tragic death of Paweł Adamowicz, the S&D Group president Udo Bullmann said: "It was with great sadness we learnt of the death of Paweł Adamowicz, the...
We want to give young Europeans like Philippe, Myriam and Giusy the chance they deserve to discover and live up to their full potential! This is why we advocate hard and...
Sozialdemokratische Europaabgeordnete, die diese Woche mit einer Delegation des Europäischen Parlaments in Gambia waren, forderten die Regierung und die internationale...
Die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament begrüßt die Annahme des Globalen Flüchtlingspakts durch die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen in der...