Das Europäische Parlament hat heute mit großer Mehrheit eine Entschließung zur Bildung für Kinder in Notsituationen und andauernden Krisen unterstützt. Schätzungen der...
S&D Conference - Winning the Fight Against Child Poverty : Towards a European Child Guarantee. Please register here Registration deadline, Monday 16 November 2015
S&D Conference: Digital Data in the EU - Happily Ever After or Content Unavailable. To register, please fill in the form attached below (one form for each day) and email...
The S&D Group together with Daciana Sârbu, MEP, Viorica Dăncilă, MEP, and Damian Draghici, MEP cordially invite you to the Roma Youth Empowerment conference to be held on...
Das Europäische Parlament hat sich heute dafür ausgesprochen, im EU-Haushalt 2016 zusätzliche 800 Millionen Euro zur Unterstützung der EU-weiten Umverteilung von...
Die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament begrüßte heute die Präsentation des Arbeitsprogramms der EU-Kommission für 2016, das mehrere Vorschläge enthält...
Erasmus+, the new EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sports has been up and running for almost 2 years now. Are you part of it? Do you want to be? Is it...
Erasmus+, the new EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sports has been up and running for almost 2 years now. Are you part of it? Do you want to be? Is it...
Erasmus+, the new EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sports has been up and running for almost 2 years now. Are you part of it? Do you want to be? Is it...
Erasmus+, the new EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sports has been up and running for almost 2 years now. Are you part of it? Do you want to be? Is it...