Mobilizing for Rainbow Families' Rights - Join #AllofUs. For more information, please contact . To register for the event, please click here...
Following yesterday´s elections for President in Austria and the victory of Alexander van der Bellen, Gianni Pittella, S&D Group President in the European Parliament, and...
This is 2016. We want a Europe that offers better opportunities for everyone. We want a Europe which respects different ways of thinking. We want a democratic society...
In einer Reaktion auf die Vorschläge der EU-Kommission für die länderspezifischen Empfehlungen und Schritte für 2016 im Rahmen des Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakts...
Nach dem heutigen Startschuss für die EDUCA-Kampagne in Rom in Anwesenheit des EU-Kommissars für humanitäre Hilfe, Christos Stylianides, erklärten Gianni Pittella...
"The S&D Group is against granting Market Economy Status to China for a simple reason: China, despite the huge efforts it has made, is not yet a market economy. The...
This week, in Strasbourg, German steel workers demonstrated in front of the European Parliament, urging the EU to take action against low tariffs on Chinese imports which...
Nach den Stellungnahmen der nationalen Parlamente, wonach die vorgeschlagene Überarbeitung der Richtlinie über die Entsendung von Arbeitnehmern (Entsenderichtlinie) den...
The End of Dublin: Towards Genuine Solidarity and Full Integration of Refugees. Please register here by Friday 29 April at 12h00. The programme can be found on the poster...
Next Left Economic Circle - Towards a European Unemployment Insurance Scheme. Strengthened social cohesion, greater resilience of unemployment insurance in times of...