Anlässlich des ersten Jahrestages des De-facto-Abtreibungsverbots in Polen* hat das Europäische Parlament heute eine stark sozialdemokratisch geprägte Entschließung...
Launch of the S&D Group’s Position Paper on Gender Equality 12:30 Introduction by the moderator Jennifer Baker and an intervention by the president of the S&D Group in...
Bei einer Sonderveranstaltung im Europäischen Parlament an diesem Dienstag, 9. November, von 12.30 bis 14.00 Uhr präsentiert die Vorsitzende der S&D Fraktion Iratxe...
READ THE CHARTER OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS As female politicians we are very well aware of the incredible amount of sexism and discrimination that surrounds us and shapes the...
We spoke with Afghan human rights defender @PalwashaHassan about what the Taliban take-over means for women and girls, and how they can be supported. Mrs Hassan is one of...
Facebook talk on the future of Europe - LGBTI+ rights in the EU - Marc Angel S&D MEP, and Camila Garfias, Rainbow Rose. Friday 15 October 2021 - 10.00 S&D Facebook talks...
We spoke with Afghan human rights defender and filmmaker @Sahraa Karimi about what the Taliban take-over means for women and girls, and how they can be supported. Mrs...
We spoke with Afghan human rights defender and former governor @SarabiHabiba about what the Taliban take-over means for women and girls, and how they can be supported...
From US refugee camp in Fort McCoy, we spoke to Afghan human rights activist @MaryAkrami about the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban. Mary Akrami is one of the 11...
Die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament begrüßt die Nachricht, dass die EU-Kommission noch in diesem Jahr ein Gesetz zur Bekämpfung von...