A growing number of women and children are travelling to Europe fleeing war and persecution. According to UNHCR, as of January 2016, the majority of those arriving in the...
For this 8th March, International Women's Day, we want to highlight that Women and Children now make up the majority of refugees reaching Europe to seek safety and...
Immer mehr Frauen und Kinder kommen auf der Flucht von Krieg und Verfolgung nach Europa. Nach Angaben des Hohen Flüchtlingskommissars der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR)...
Call for application: Step it up for Gender Equality - Youth for Gender Equality Forum 2016. What is it? Step it up for Gender Equality is an interactive and inspiring...
Quote of the week "This is a clear humanitarian appeal to end the bloodshed in Yemen, and call on Saudi Arabia to pursue a political rather than a military solution to...
Quote of the week "On behalf of my group I expressed our sincere willingness to do our utmost to ensure the UK remains in the EU. Britain leaving would bring about very...
Meet Seydou Niang, the face behind the project "MEN SPEAK OUT" of GAMS (Groupe d'Abolition de la Mutilation Sexuel), in Belgium.
After a busy plenary session in France, we are looking forward to returning to our daily events back in Brussels. During the past session we have had interesting and...
Gegen den Widerstand der Konservativen führte die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion heute eine fortschrittliche Mehrheit im Europäischen Parlament zur Annahme einer Resolution...
Digitisation will bring new opportunities for European citizens in the form of new skills, jobs and economic growth. At the same time, digitisation is disrupting...