S&D Conference: VI Latin American Forum on Cuba. Please register here by Thursday 23 June 2016 at 17h00. For more information, please contact Isabel Jubete: s-d...
Africa is at the heart of our globalised world. Although it is a continent often seen through the lens of global problems, it is also at the forefront in creating new...
S&D Seminar - Israel / Palestine: Bereaved Parents for Peace - From Loss to Reconciliation. Please register here for a single, or both, events. 1. Photo exhibitions...
Quote of the week “We are at a turning point because for the first time Europe is realising the necessity of putting Africa at the heart of EU strategy, both in the short...
The President of the Socialists and Democrats Group Gianni Pittella expresses his great concern about the ongoing violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Bei einer Debatte über den Bericht des US-Senats über das Internierungs- und Folterprogramm der CIA forderte die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament...
Die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament hat alle kriegsführenden Parteien in Syrien zu einer Waffenstillstandsvereinbarung aufgefordert, damit die...
▶ Tue, 7 - Towards a migration compact gianni.pittella@europarl.europa.eu + 33 3 88 17 5159 For the S&D Group EU Migration policy whether it concerns EU internal measures...
Quote of the week “I stand for a Britain that is outward looking, engaging with Europe and with the world. A Europe free from fascism. Globalisation has made us...
Nach den schockierenden Meldungen über den Tod von über 80 Migranten vor der libyschen Küste beim Versuch, das Mittelmeer zu überqueren, erklärte der Vorsitzende der...