Die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion ist enttäuscht von den neuen Vorschlägen der britischen Premierministerin Theresa May, die keinen Ausweg aus der Sackgasse bieten, in der...
In einer Reaktion auf Berichte, wonach die USA den diplomatischen Status der EU-Botschaft herabgestuft haben sollen, sagte der Vorsitzende der Sozialdemokratischen...
With the approval of the today resolution on ‘the Annual Report 2017 control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank (EIB)’ , the S&D insists on...
Today, with the approval of the ´Protection of the Union´s budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States´ report, the plenary...
The European Parliament today backed new rules governing how companies can move between EU member states. The right wing ECR Group had attempted to block the proposals...
The European Parliament today backed a report calling for the EU to act to prevent the deterioration of fundamental rights in certain EU member states. S&D Group...
The plenary of the European Parliament today backed a new InvestEU Programme - a single structure bringing together a multitude of EU financing programmes. The aim is to...
The European Parliament today adopted a report by S&D MEP Maria Arena on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, which the European Parliament want to re-name...
In today’s vote in the European Parliament on the European Social Fund Plus the Socialists and Democrats got a major step closer to making the European Child Guarantee a...
The final PEST report voted today in plenary by an overwhelming majority calls on the European institutions and member states to make the authorisation system for...