S&D Times - Weekly Update. This Week's Highlights and What's Coming Up

S&Ds Times - Weekly Update use this one

Quote of the week by S&D MEP Juan Fernando López Aguilar on European Covid Certificates:

“With the vaccine strategy and the recovery plan, the EU has already faced the Covid-19 pandemic with co-ordinated and European solutions. We went into these negotiations on the Digital EU Covid Certificates in that same spirit. Negotiations were not easy but we made every effort to deliver an urgent agreement in time for the summer season.”


This week our Group is organising and promoting three conferences. Check out the topics below:

Tuesday, 25 May
Has anyone seen Jeff Bezos?

If you want to find out more about what happens behind the click when you buy something online with Amazon, join our webinar Amazon attacks on fundamental worker's rights and freedoms this Tuesday, 25 of May 2021  14:30-16:00. We will hear from Professor Alessandro Delfanti from the University of Toronto, who will present his brand-new study on Amazon's practices and from trade unionists active in the fight for workers’ rights.

Journalists interested in joining the Q&A are kindly asked to register with silvia.pelz@ep.europa.eu.

S&D online webinar: Amazon attacks on fundamental workers’ rights and freedoms | Socialists & Democrats (socialistsanddemocrats.eu) .

So far, no reply from Jeff Bezos. But we will keep looking for him...

Wednesday, 26 May
Strengthening climate diplomacy ahead of Glasgow COP26

Following the election of the new US president, Joe Biden, and the return of the US to the Paris Agreement, the aim of this joint S&D and Global Progressive Forum event is to discuss a new approach to climate change diplomacy and joint action among the most influential actors, including Europe, the US and China. 

Check out the programme and the full list of speakers who will join us this Wednesday, from 14:00 to 15:30.

Tuesday to Thursday, 25 - 27 May
Call to Europe turns 10!

It’s already a tradition to join FEPS for their flagship event, Call to Europe. This year, on its 10th anniversary, we look back at how this initiative has turned into a key progressive platform, where experts, representatives of the civil society and policymakers jointly contribute to a melting pot of progressive ideas. And this year’s theme couldn’t be closer to our hearts: Mind the Social Gaps!
Join this virtual festival on Call to Europe 10 - Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) (feps-europe.eu).

Next week

S&D MEPs will also be very busy in several committee meetings.

Next week our Group will fight to finalise the upcoming trilogue on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. The EU needs a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable CAP.

There is an important vote on Friday in the Environment committee, on S&D Rapporteur César Luena’s report on the 2030 Biodiversity strategy. The strategy is crucial as it will steer the EU’s actions on biodiversity until 2030, within the context of the upcoming global COP15 on biodiversity, preparing the new post-2020 global biodiversity framework. The S&Ds have welcomed the Commission's communication, however we are convinced there is still room for improvements in areas such as governance through the setting of a new Biodiversity law, establishment of a 30% restoration target, creation of a legal framework on soils and a joint action plan on climate and biodiversity. The S&Ds also stand firmly for the protection of the EU’s remaining primary and old-growth forests.

On Wednesday, members of the Budget and Budgetary Control committees will have a joint exchange of views with the European Commission on the Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation and the development of guidelines for its application.  

Also on Wednesday, members in the Committee on Civil Liberties will vote on new EU Covid certificates, and on the same day we're preparing for an exchange of views on media freedom in Hungary and Poland.

On Thursday, members of the Civil liberties committee will also be joining an important hearing on migration and asylum, with panels co-chaired by our MEPs Juan Fernando López Aguilar and Birgit Sippel, with government and NGO representatives taking part as well.


Stay updated on all our initiatives and reactions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Beteiligte Abgeordnete
Koordinator, Mitglied
Koordinatorin, Mitglied