Quote of the week by Iratxe García Pérez on the Conference on the Future of Europe:
“This weekend we return to the Conference on the Future of Europe. We are already receiving proposals from citizens and we aim to tackle these topics. There are very interesting recommendations, such as how to improve the salary and working conditions of health workers. People ask us for the EU to have more powers in health, to avoid the mistakes of the past, and for everyone to have access to public health. We will bring all these proposals to the plenary of the Conference. Citizens also ask us to fight against discrimination, disinformation, and apply measures in favour of the independence of the media to protect the rule of law and democracy. I thank everyone for their involvement and I invite you to continue participating in this debate. We are listening to you and we need you to build the Europe of the future that we all want.”
This Friday and Saturday we’re looking forward to taking part in the first plenary of the year of the Conference on the Future of Europe. Listen here to a special message from our President, Iratxe García, and follow the debates live here and on our site. This weekend’s topics will be climate change, protection of our environment, health, democracy and rule of law.
Our #Progressives4Europe debate platform is always open and we’re looking forward to reading your ideas. Join the debate!
Committee work will continue next week. On Tuesday, members in the committee on fighting foreign interference and disinformation in the EU (INGE) will adopt their final report on the topic.
Wednesday is the day members in the committee on research and industry (ITRE) will vote on the next step of the recast of roaming regulation. By far one of the EU’s most successful initiatives, roaming puts consumers first, keeps citizens connected and overall improves their lives. It was also one of our crucial fights in 2017. This recast means extending the rules for a period of 10 years.
We’re almost ready for the first big event of the year! On 8 - 9 - 10 February, we’ll be hosting a marathon of workshops, cultural events, debates and high-level speakers, as the fifth edition of the S&D Group Africa Week kicks off! More information and the programme will be available here next week.
And don’t forget to stay updated on all our initiatives and reactions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify