S&D Times - Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up

S&Ds Times - Weekly Update use this one

Quote of the week by President Iratxe García on violence against women:

“There are no borders to male violence. Male killers have no borders stopping them and there are women in the world killed simply for being women. Let’s work to put an end to gender based violence, to those deaths caused by male killers. It is indispensable to have EU legislation on this. We cannot resign ourselves to this reality we feel we can’t change, because it is in our hands to change this. We have a duty and a moral obligation to do it.”


Upcoming events

On 1 December we are holding a marathon-debate on artificial intelligence. We’ll be live in four countries, with workshops and debates happening in Valletta (MT), Turin (IT), Copenhagen (DK) and León (ES) in English and all local languages. Join our MEPs Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Christel Schaldemose and other speakers on December 1 from CET 18:00 to 20:00. Click here for more information

On Tuesday, 29 November, our Global Progressive Forum will host a discussion about the new European defence strategy (aka the Strategic Compass). We will be debating with our MEPs Sven Mikser and Javi López, Stijn Mols from the European External Action Service and professor Amrita Jash.

Follow the debate “The EU as a global actor for peace - shaping the Strategic Compass in light of the war in Ukraine” live on our website and on our Facebook page.


The current crisis, with crippling effects on the people’s cost of living needs to be addressed! To this end, two weeks ago, our Group has endorsed the #BringTheBillsDown campaign. Its aim? To reduce the financial burden of families and small and medium sized businesses all over Europe. Our Winter Solidarity Package brings a series of concrete solutions to cope with pertinent social and economic challenges. Read all about it here.

On Monday and Tuesday, the special European Parliament’s committee on Covid-19 will discuss the issue of the social and economic impact of the pandemic on vulnerable people.

Also on Monday, the members of the human rights subcommittee will discuss various options of setting up a special tribunal to investigate Russia’s crimes of aggression against Ukraine.

On Wednesday, the civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee will grill the candidates for the post of Executive Director of Frontex. After years of mismanagement, the S&D Group wants to see fresh leadership that can turn around the damaged reputation of the border agency.

On Wednesday, the EU Commissioner Frans Timmermans is expected to present the second package on the circular economy. Follow this space for our reaction.

On Thursday, MEPs and national MPs will meet in Brussels to discuss the rule of law in the EU. Ahead of an inter-parliamentary meeting organised by the civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee, S&D MEP Birgit Sippel will chair a meeting with sister parties on how to improve cooperation between the European Parliament and national parliaments regarding democracy and fundamental rights.

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