Report of the Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality (ICSE) 2019-2024

Report of the Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality (ICSE) 2019-2024.

Join our visionary call to action for a radically different Europe, detailed across over 100 policy proposals to be pursued by progressive forces during the next term from 2019 to 2024, and embedded in a radically different approach to European governance built on a new Sustainable Development Pact!

Progressive Society's Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality (ICSE) is dedicated to the fight against all forms of inequality, in particular social, economic, environmental and territorial. We are very proud of the strong team that is supporting our efforts: former government leaders, current MEPs and mayors are joined by highly respected academics as well as civil society representatives. This composition reflects the sincerity, diversity and inclusiveness of our initiative. Get to know the people who will help us set the guidelines for a truly Progressive European Society!

Watch the press conference here : Press conference by Udo BULLMANN (S&D, DE), S&D Group Leader, Poul Nyrup RASMUSSEN, and Louka KATSELI, on the presentation of the report of the Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality

Find out more here

EN - Report of the Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality | 2019-20243.27 MB
DE - Bericht der Unabhängigen Kommission für Nachhaltigkeit undSozialenZusammenhalt | 2019-20244.27 MB
EL - Έκθεση της ανεξάρτητης επιτροπής για την ευημερία και ισότητα σε μια βιώσιμη Ευρώπη | 2019-20244.66 MB
ES - Informe de la Comisión Independiente para la Igualdad Sostenible | 2019-20244.12 MB
FR - Rapport de la Commission Indépendante pour l’Égalité Durable | 2019-20244.22 MB
IT - Rapporto della Commissione Indipendente sull'Uguaglianza Sostenibile | 2019-20244.14 MB
PL - Sprawozdanie niezależnej komisji na rzecz trwałej równości | 2019-20244.23 MB
PT - Relatório da Comissão Independente para uma Igualdade Sustentável | 2019-20244.13 MB
RO - Raportul Comisiei Independente Pentru Egalitate Sustenabilă | 2019-20244.16 MB

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