S&D Conference - Employment and Social Security in the Digital Single Market: Chances and Challenges. To register, please follow this link : Registration deadline is...
S&D Conference: United Against Hate & Fear. Programme attached below. To register, please fill in the form attached below, and email it to minna.piispa@europarl.europa.eu...
Young Progressives: Climate Networking Event: How can you tackle climate change? Progressives4climate. Wednesday 21 October In-depth discussion with experts, academics...
Erasmus+, the new EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sports has been up and running for almost 2 years now. Are you part of it? Do you want to be? Is it...
Assurer et développer l'avenir des gens de mer européens. Lucy Anderson et Isabelle Thomas, les membres du groupe S & D au Parlement européen, aimerait vous inviter à...
Moving forward for the adoption of a European Strategy for autism in Europe - Following the Written Declaration on Autism signed by 419 MEPs. Please send your name, date...
S&D IMCO Workshop on Product safety, traceability and origin - The Made-in marking of origin for enhanced consumer information and European business competitiveness...
Towards a Legally Binding Instrument on Business and Human Rights. Please register by the 24 August 2015 at 12h00 For more information, please contact: s-d.info@europarl...
With the participation of: Sergio Cofferati - S&D Group MEP, Rapporteur on Shareholders Rights Directive Anneliese Dodds - S&D Group MEP, Co-rapporteur on Corporate Tax...
Unveiling the State of the World's Fathers 2015. Opening speech: Iratxe GARCIA PEREZ, MEP, FEMM Committee Chair Speakers: Jordi SEBASTIA, MEP (GreensEuropean Free...