S&D Conference - Employment and Social Security in the Digital Single Market: Chances and Challenges. To register, please follow this link : Registration deadline is...
S&D Conference: United Against Hate & Fear. Programme attached below. To register, please fill in the form attached below, and email it to minna.piispa@europarl.europa.eu...
Young Progressives: Climate Networking Event: How can you tackle climate change? Progressives4climate. Wednesday 21 October In-depth discussion with experts, academics...
Erasmus+, the new EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sports has been up and running for almost 2 years now. Are you part of it? Do you want to be? Is it...
Develop and Ensure the Future of European Seafarers. Lucy Anderson and Isabelle Thomas, members of the S&D Group in the European Parliament, would like to invite you to...
Moving forward for the adoption of a European Strategy for autism in Europe - Following the Written Declaration on Autism signed by 419 MEPs. Please send your name, date...
S&D IMCO Workshop on Product safety, traceability and origin - The Made-in marking of origin for enhanced consumer information and European business competitiveness...
Towards a Legally Binding Instrument on Business and Human Rights. Please register by the 24 August 2015 at 12h00 For more information, please contact: s-d.info@europarl...
With the participation of: Sergio Cofferati - S&D Group MEP, Rapporteur on Shareholders Rights Directive Anneliese Dodds - S&D Group MEP, Co-rapporteur on Corporate Tax...
Unveiling the State of the World's Fathers 2015. Opening speech: Iratxe GARCIA PEREZ, MEP, FEMM Committee Chair Speakers: Jordi SEBASTIA, MEP (GreensEuropean Free...