TOGETHER - A new direction for a progressive Europe - Stand up for our future! Europe is at a crossroads. Populist and anti-EU parties are on the rise across Europe. For...
S&D Conference: The Creative Europe Programme and its Implementation. Moderation by S&D MEPs Silvia Costa , CULT committee chair and Petra Kammerevert , CULT co-ordinator...
Progressive Alliance Parliamentarian Conference: For a New Agenda for Peace and Justice. We are very pleased to invite you to the Progressive Alliance Parliamentary...
S&D Conference: The Circular Economy. At the event, Commissioner Vella spoke on the state of play of the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy, while our rapporteur...
S&D Conference: Muslims in Europe - Untold Success Stories. The programme is attached below. To register, please email:
When conscientious objection clashes with women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights and LGBTI rights . Freedom of conscience is a fundamental right which should...
Policy discussion with European digital incubators and startups With MEPs Josef Weidenholzer, Martina Werner and Edouard Martin MEP Thursday 7 July 2016. 10:30 - 12:00
It's official! This July Relaunching Europe is coming to Portugal to engage our fans in an exciting, interactive and interesting debate on the future of the Portuguese...
S&D Conference: VI Latin American Forum on Cuba. Please register here by Thursday 23 June 2016 at 17h00. For more information, please contact Isabel Jubete: s-d...
S&D Conference - European Consumer - between new e-commerce models and data pricing. To register, please email 14h00 - 14h25 Commissioner Vera...