Empowering youth. Our role in the decision making process. Please find the complete programme here. Register here
#Europe Together event: Shaping our society - Time for another future. Please register here to attend the event Please find the programme here
School of Democracy: 20 to 22 March, 2019 Over the last four years, hundreds of young people from across Europe and beyond have taken part in the S&D Group’s School of...
We need to be Digital, Successful and Social. How do we get there? In a constantly changing world we, as Europeans, need to be up to speed with digital innovation. In...
Call for application - Step it up for Gender Equality - Youth for Gender Equality Forum, 8 & 9 February 2017. What is it? Apply now for the chance to join us in Brussels...
Our next Together event will be held around the PES Council in Prague on 2 December 2016. The S&D Group is proud of having launched on 19 October 2016, along with our...
S&D Conference: Public Country-By-Country Reporting. Achieving Corporate Tax Transparency Please register by Tuesday 15 November by filling in the form here The full...
S&D Conference: EU Action for Whistleblower Protection. To register, please fill in the form here by Tuesday 18 October 2016. For more information, please email s-d...
S&D Conference: The Pillar of Social Rights - Shaping the Social Heart of Europe. Please register by Monday 17 October 2016 at 12h00 here . The programme is attached...
S&D Hearing: Labour Migration into the EU and the Blue Card - Striking the Right Balance. For more infomation , and to register (by 14 October 2016) please send an email...