S&D Euro MPs today slammed the EU Council of Ministers for failing to make any compromises to resolve the EU budget crisis.
S&D Group spokeswoman on the EU budget and the European Parliament’s rapporteur Eider Gardiazábal said:
“The European Parliament is trying hard to find a solution to reduce the pile of unpaid bills accumulated over the last three years. These are commitments made by EU member states that need to be paid for.
“The situation is so critical that it cannot be business as usual. The EU's credibility is on the line, both within and beyond its borders. We need a way out. More austerity at EU level can’t be the solution.”
S&D Group vice-president responsible for the EU budget Isabelle Thomas added:
"The EU budget crisis threatens Europe’s interests. The budget is an important tool for investment. Many regions, many small businesses and many non-governmental organisations rely on European funds to invest and act on the ground. We urge the Council to face up its responsibilities so that we can have an agreement on the 2015 EU budget before the end of the year.”