Weekly Update - 08/07/2016

Quote of the Week

"The cement holding the EU together is not just our history, it’s our values!" - Gianni Pittella calling for action from the new Slovak presidency.
Last week’s highlights

We’re back in Brussels after a very successful and dynamic Relaunching Europe event in Portugal and a fascinating conference on digital hubs and start-ups.


It was also another packed week in Strasbourg with many important issues discussed, including the EU’s new global strategy, the opportunities of welcoming refugees and important health issues for EU citizens. There was also the progress on clamping down on tax evasion and protections for whistleblowers.
Watch Gianni Pittella’s speech on the European Council and Brexit here
Upcoming activities
Even though this was the last plenary of the season, we’ll still be busy this week with another week of committees and political activities.
Among other events, there will be an important meeting between the economic affairs and budget committees and a visit from several members of the Eurogroup to discuss a budget for the eurozone on Monday evening. Guillaume Balas will also present his new INI report on fighting social dumping in the employment committee on Wednesday 13 July.

There will also be the first meeting of the Panama Papers committee.
The results of the UK referendum in Great Britain and the latest elections in Germany, Austria and France have shown that the political landscape is changing.

On Wednesday 13 July, S&D president Gianni Pittella is organising the ‘What’s left of the left?’ seminar discussing ways of rethinking social-democratic parties in the transformed historical and political circumstances of today. With a range of academics and experts - and many of our own MEPs – it promises to be a lively debate. The event will take place 15:30-17:30, ASP 3H1.
S&D MEP Theresa Griffin is organising a lunch workshop on a 'New energy market design for EU citizens' on Tuesday 12 July 12:30-14:00, P1C047. For the S&D Group energy poverty is one of the main problems to address to make Europeans' lives better. You can read more about our position here.
And we’ll be back in the autumn for the next Relaunching Europe event - watch this space for announcements...
Check our websitefor all the details on our activities during the upcoming week. 
And check out our other new videos on last week’s key topics
Maria João Rodrigues on the Commission’s priorities
Brando Benifei on the integration of refugees
Jeppe Kofod on #TaxJustice