Quote of the week “This terrorist attack is a direct attack against Europe, against European values and against our societies. Europe must respond to this barbarism with...
Potenziamento dei controlli, sanzioni più severe per le società che non rispettano le regole e maggiore convergenza sociale, in particolare facendo dei diritti sociali un...
The constituent meeting of the Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion (PANA) took place on July 12. Peter Simon, S&D MEP, explains the...
Quote of the Week "The cement holding the EU together is not just our history, it’s our values!" - Gianni Pittella calling for action from the new Slovak presidency. Last...
Policy discussion with European digital incubators and startups With MEPs Josef Weidenholzer, Martina Werner and Edouard Martin MEP Thursday 7 July 2016. 10:30 - 12:00
During these difficult times, thanks to the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, the EU now has a concrete work plan for the months ahead. The S&D Group...
A shared list of tax havens, sanctions for non-co-operative jurisdictions, protection for whistleblowers, sanctions against banks, law firms and tax advisers working for...
La prossima revisione del Quadro finanziario pluriennale (QFP) da parte della Commissione deve chiarire la necessità di avere risorse maggiori per contrastare le...
Grazie ai Socialisti e Democratici del Parlamento europeo, l'Ue ha oggu un piano di lavoro concreto per i mesi a venire. Il gruppo S&D è stato la forza trainante per...
The European Parliament has today called on the EU to take action and ensure refugees are swiftly and fully integrated into the labour market and society. In a resolution...