▶ Tue, 7 - Towards a migration compact gianni.pittella@europarl.europa.eu + 33 3 88 17 5159 For the S&D Group EU Migration policy whether it concerns EU internal measures...
Mobilizing for Rainbow Families' Rights - Join #AllofUs. For more information, please contact s-d.genderequal@ep.europa.eu . To register for the event, please click here...
Dopo il giudizio critico della Commissione europea sulla situazione dello stato di diritto in Polonia, il presidente del gruppo S&D, Gianni Pittella, ha detto: “Il...
Oggi, la commissione Affari interni e libertà civili del Parlamento ha stabilito le sue richieste per la nuova Guardia costiera e di confine europea proposta dalla...
Quote of the week “I stand for a Britain that is outward looking, engaging with Europe and with the world. A Europe free from fascism. Globalisation has made us...
On March 16, 2016, in Brussels, the S&D Group organised a demonstration to show European heads of state and government that we won't accept a Europe of national...
Following yesterday´s elections for President in Austria and the victory of Alexander van der Bellen, Gianni Pittella, S&D Group President in the European Parliament, and...
Desde el año 2000, SOLIDAR organiza anualmente en el Parlamento Europeo sus Premios Rosa de Plata en cooperación con el Grupo S&D. Se trata de una ocasión para celebrar...
This is 2016. We want a Europe that offers better opportunities for everyone. We want a Europe which respects different ways of thinking. We want a democratic society...
Quote of the week Thanks to us Socialists & Democrats, a new understanding of reforms is gaining ground: we need modern public administration, good education, investment...