▶ Tue, 7 - Towards a migration compact gianni.pittella@europarl.europa.eu + 33 3 88 17 5159 For the S&D Group EU Migration policy whether it concerns EU internal measures...
Mobilizing for Rainbow Families' Rights - Join #AllofUs. For more information, please contact s-d.genderequal@ep.europa.eu . To register for the event, please click here...
Después de la adopción de una opinión crítica por parte de la Comisión Europea sobre la situación del imperio de la ley en Polonia, el presidente del Grupo S&D, Gianni...
La comisión de Asuntos de Interior y Libertades Civiles del Parlamento Europeo, que reúne a todos los partidos, ha presentado hoy sus peticiones en relación con la nueva...
Quote of the week “I stand for a Britain that is outward looking, engaging with Europe and with the world. A Europe free from fascism. Globalisation has made us...
On March 16, 2016, in Brussels, the S&D Group organised a demonstration to show European heads of state and government that we won't accept a Europe of national...
Following yesterday´s elections for President in Austria and the victory of Alexander van der Bellen, Gianni Pittella, S&D Group President in the European Parliament, and...
Desde el año 2000, SOLIDAR organiza anualmente en el Parlamento Europeo sus Premios Rosa de Plata en cooperación con el Grupo S&D. Se trata de una ocasión para celebrar...
This is 2016. We want a Europe that offers better opportunities for everyone. We want a Europe which respects different ways of thinking. We want a democratic society...
Quote of the week Thanks to us Socialists & Democrats, a new understanding of reforms is gaining ground: we need modern public administration, good education, investment...