Small investors to get better protection through revised EU law on financial markets. We welcome the revision of the EU legislation on markets in financial instruments...
Today’s proposal from the EU Commission on the Retail Investment Strategy doesn’t include a full ban on biased commissions to financial advisers, aka inducements. This is...
The S&D Group wants a ban on inducement, the practice where financial advisors get paid to recommend certain products. Retail investors should be able to save money for...
The aim of the S&D event is to discuss the upcoming Retail Investment Strategy that is expected to be published by the European Commission in May 2023. The Retail...
The European Commission is currently reviewing capital market rules through its MiFID II/MiFIR proposal, originally presented in 2021. In the midst of a cost of living...
Nos sociétés doivent faire face à une multitude de crises de plus en plus dévastatrices – le changement climatique qui menace la vie, l'explosion des inégalités, l...
Our societies are haunted by a multitude of increasingly devastating crises – life-threatening climate change, growing inequalities, economic instability, the rise of...
The launch of the Progressive Society's much-anticipated new report - 'The Great Shift' - in Paris was a great success with high-profile leaders including Paris mayor...
It’s your Europe, have your say! As part of the Conference on the Future Europe, the Socialists and Democrats hosted a citizens’ debate in Malta where people had their...
Watch MEP Margarida Marques and MEP Jonás Fernández explain why a reform of outdated EU fiscal rules is essential for a progressive Europe. Today, the European Parliament...