In december van dit jaar werd Roemenië de eerste EU-lidstaat waar de verkiezingen ongeldig werden verklaard als gevolg van buitenlandse inmenging en desinformatie via...
Hearing with Teresa Ribera. Executive vice-president for clean, just and competitive transition We trust that Executive Vice-President-designate Teresa Ribera will work...
S&D coordinator, Laura Ballarín, on the internal market and consumer protection committee on how to have a stronger Europe for safer products to better protect consumers...
We refuse to let Elon Musk and friends set the rules online. The internet is a public space and a public good. We sat down with Alex Saliba, Christel Schaldemose and...
Small investors to get better protection through revised EU law on financial markets. We welcome the revision of the EU legislation on markets in financial instruments...
Today’s proposal from the EU Commission on the Retail Investment Strategy doesn’t include a full ban on biased commissions to financial advisers, aka inducements. This is...
The accelerating digital transition of Europe’s societies brings along many new opportunities . Concrete examples range from addressing epidemic diseases and improving...
S&D Group - Discussion on “Bring the Bills down” S&D president Iratxe García and S&D MEPs will discuss the topic of bringing energy prices down with Trade Union leader...
S&D event: Designing Artificial Intelligence for All Programme: 18.00 - 18.15 - Opening session 18.15 - 19.15 - Malta workshop: Who can protect your rights 18.15 - 19.15...
Vice-President of the S&D Group, Pedro Marques, addresses the issue: "Bring the bills down". Find out more: