In de aanloop naar de laatste plenaire stemming van morgen over de EU-begroting 2025 zetten de Socialisten en Democraten hun inspanningen voort om een meerderheid te...
At €200bn, EU budget 2025 is 6% bigger than this year’s, meaning a €10bn increase. It responds to the needs of Europeans while being able to pay back for the post...
S&D MEP Victor Negrescu on the European Budget 2025.
With the social-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2021-27 Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF), the motorhouse...
S&D Hearing: A Methodology for Gender Mainstreaming in the EU Budget On Wednesday, 8 February 2023 from 14h00 to 16h00 in room ASP 3G3 A detailed programme is attached...
Vice-President of the S&D Group, Pedro Marques, addresses the issue: "Bring the bills down". Find out more:
Gender equality is one of the European Union’s fundamental values. Gender mainstreaming means actively promoting equality between women and men at all stages and in all...
Watch the speech of Iratxe García Pérez urging the Commission and the Council to keep up with the timings of their promises.
S&Ds demand that the European Parliament be involved in the assessment of National Recovery and Resilience plans, as agreed during negotiations. “The S&Ds strongly...
After months of tough negotiations, the S&D team managed to secure a deal for the next multi-annual budget of the European Union (MFF). S&Ds succeeded in creating a...