Following comments by Hungarian Commissioner Tibor Navracsics on Victor Orbán’s failed asylum referendum in Hungary and his admission that he voted no in the ballot, S&D...
Today S&D Euro MPs join the call around the world for decent work and better working conditions and criticize the trend towards precarious employment. Currently, only 59%...
Led by MEPs from the Socialists and Democrats Group, the European Parliament this week called for a strategy to reindustrialise Europe following the brutal announcements...
Following the vote by the European Parliament on the resolution on the need for a European reindustrialisation policy in light of the recent Caterpillar and Alstom cases...
S&D Euro MPs welcomed the Commission's progress report today on the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in the last three years. Finding a job remains a difficult...
The idea from UK home affairs minister Amber Rudd that UK companies will have to provide lists of foreign workers they employ will increase intolerance and xenophobia. S...
A l’initiative des eurodéputés socialistes et démocrates, le Parlement européen a réclamé une stratégie de ré-industrialisation de l’Europe à la suite des annonces...
S&D Euro MPs welcomed the Commission's progress report today on the implementation of the Youth Guarantee in the last three years. Finding a job remains a difficult...
The progressive family in Europe, on the initiative of the S&D Group, is launching an 18-month project designed to listen and find answers to the problems the EU is...
The EU needs to do more to encourage young Muslims and other minority groups to engage with European politics and work in the EU institutions. That was one of the many...