Heléne Fritzon, S&D MEP and Parliament negotiator on carcinogens and mutagens, said: “No one should die at work. Sadly, for many Europeans the workplace can become fatal...
“After months of work, hearings and researches, this report represents today a concrete hope from which to build a renewed and common fight against cancer in the whole of...
The Conference on the Future of Europe is key to unlocking the way for a much needed reform of the European Union, starting from the very need to strengthen the quality...
The Socialists and Democrats Group adopted a declaration on strengthening relations between Europe and Latin America, on the occasion of the first Latin America Day, 15...
Once again, it is time for global progressives to join forces and take the lead in changing the world The full 3 day programme is available here More than ten years ago...
Nos sociétés doivent faire face à une multitude de crises de plus en plus dévastatrices – le changement climatique qui menace la vie, l'explosion des inégalités, l...
Our societies are haunted by a multitude of increasingly devastating crises – life-threatening climate change, growing inequalities, economic instability, the rise of...
Press Conference on the Presentation of the ICSE REPORT by Progressive Society S&D Co-Chairs Iratxe GARCÍA and Eric ANDRIEU. The Great Shift sets out 10 game-changing...
The Great Shift is a unique contribution from a group of renowned experts and experienced policymakers united in the Independent Commission for Sustainable Equality...
The Farm to Fork strategy is possibly the last call we have to make the whole food production system in Europe healthier - with less pesticides, antibiotics, and...