EVENT IN HONOUR OF THE UK DELEGATION INTRODUCTION WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF Iratxe García Pérez - S&D Group president David Sassoli - President of the European Parliament...
The S&D Group is organising a high-level event together with Serbian opposition. The goal of the event is to give the representatives of the opposition a chance to...
Open Dialogue on Climate Action In the framework of the COP25 Climate Summit in Madrid, the PES and PSOE are organising the debate "Open Dialogue on Climate Action"...
S&D JURI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Ethical Aspects Programme Chaired by Tiemo Wölken, S&D Coordinator of the committee on legal affairs Panel 1 Regulatory...
This conference will launch a recent study which highlights the legal, economic, political, and social implications of Brexit which specifically and disproportionately...
A youth-led public event, organised in the framework of the European Week of Action for Girls, with the support of the S&D Group and EU40. The event will aim at bringing...
Albania and its European perspective. Albania is a crucial partner for the European Union and has made tremendous efforts in the past years. A few days before the...
Social Europe - The Europe we need. The complete programme can be found here Register here
S&D Group event: Nicaragua, for Freedom. 16.00-17.00: Exchange of views on the dialogue between the government and the Civic Alliance and how the EU can provide...
S&D Group Progressive Society, Res Publica Conference: Well-being for all in a sustainable Europe. OPENING REMARKS * FERNANDO MEDINA, Mayor of Lisbon * PEDRO SI L V A...